Ancestors of Arthur Sydney Piper

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── George Augustus Piper ca 1819-ca 1882
── Arthur Sydney Piper ca 1852-
    |              ┌── Richard Scutts ca 1734-
    |         ┌── Thomas Scutts ca 1752-1833
    |         |    └── Mary Baker
    |    ┌── Isaac Scutts ca 1789-ca 1848
    |    |    |    ┌── William Holborrow
    |    |    └── Sarah Holborrow ca 1754-1831
    |    |         └── Joan Chapple
    └── Frances Mary Scotts 1823-ca 1894
         └── Mary Ann Cornish ca 1799-1861/
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