Ancestors of Todd Charles Welling

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── Bernand W. Welling
── Todd Charles Welling ca 1978
    |              ┌── Charles Henry Scutts 1865-1912
    |         ┌── William Charles Frederick Scutts 1894-ca 1977
    |         |    └── Ada Sophia Freshwater 1877-ca 1969
    |    ┌── Charles Kenneth Scutts 1922-ca 1983
    |    |    └── Amy Higgins 1894-ca 1973
    └── Susan L. Scutts ca 1950
         └── Lorna Catherine L. Ramel 1926-2004
- connections 18, friends 18