Ancestors of Percy Garness Coombs

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

         ┌── William Henry Coombs ca 1849-1926
    ┌── William Henry Samuel Coombs 1872-1957
    |    └── Eleanor Garness ca 1845-ca 1910
── Percy Garness Coombs 1902-1962
    |    ┌── James Warford 1848-1928
    └── Emily Mary Scutts Warford 1874-1945
         |         ┌── Anthony Scutts 1783-ca 1860
         |    ┌── John Scutts 1822-ca 1892
         |    |    └── Ann Miller ca 1790-ca 1857
         └── Emily Scutts 1848-ca 1894
              └── Jane Bedford 1826-ca 1856
- connections 20, friends 20