Ancestors of Christine Webb

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── Roy Webb 1905-
── Christine Webb ca 1939
    |              ┌── Isaac Scutts 1811-1865
    |         ┌── Maurice Thompson Scutts 1840-1887
    |         |    └── Ann Thompson ca 1803-ca 1868
    |    ┌── Frederick Theodore Scutts 1871-
    |    |    |    ┌── Richard Ody 1775-1840
    |    |    └── Eliza Ody ca 1840-ca 1921
    |    |         └── Sarah Beasant 1810-1858
    └── Lucy Irene Scutts 1902-1987
         └── Minnie Clara Paish ca 1876-1933
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