Ancestors of Eileen Joan Oatridge

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

         ┌── Frederick Richard Oatridge ca 1879-ca 1951
    ┌── William Frederick Oatridge 1905-1985
    |    └── Fanny Elizabeth Lowe 1885-1969
── Eileen Joan Oatridge ca 1930
    |              ┌── Samuel Scutt 1823-1924
    |         ┌── Henry Scutt 1852-1938
    |         |    └── Jane Webb ca 1829-1888
    |    ┌── Henry Samuel Francis Scutt 1884-1968
    |    |    └── Harriet Wild ca 1856-ca 1926
    └── Muriel Mabel R. Scutt 1911-1999
         |    ┌── John Henry Reed
         └── Lily Rhoda Reed 1888-ca 1940
              └── ------ ------
- connections 1, friends 1