Ancestors of Andrew J. A. Aston

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── Alfred A. Aston
── Andrew J. A. Aston ca 1951
    |              ┌── John B. Scutt 1800-1880
    |         ┌── Charles B. Scutt 1842-1908
    |         |    └── Caroline Cooper ca 1809-1890
    |    ┌── Arthur Scutt 1869-1950
    |    |    |    ┌── Gerard Samson 1800-1880
    |    |    └── Elizabeth Samson 1845-1929
    |    |         └── Elizabeth Cornick 1812-1873
    └── Daphne Geraldine Scutt ca 1919-1953
         └── Hilda Dorothy Press
- connections 1, friends 1