Ancestors of Vanessa Lee Scutt

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── Sydney Lough
── Vanessa Lee Scutt ca 1968
    |              ┌── Henry Thomas Scutt 1827-1892
    |         ┌── Henry Thomas Scutt ca 1856-ca 1936
    |         |    └── Maria Coleman ca 1834-1869
    |    ┌── Frederick George Scutt 1895-ca 1973
    |    |    └── Susan Sinnick 1861-ca 1957
    └── Eva Susan Scutt 1941-ca 1979
         └── Gladys Eva Rose Burnhill 1906-1987
- connections 1, friends 1