Ancestors of Leonard George Scutt

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

                   ┌── Edward Scutt ca 1754-1838
              ┌── John Scutt ca 1789-1849
              |    └── Anne Pearce 1760-
         ┌── Leonard Roberts Scutt ca 1820-1883
         |    └── Mary Roberts ca 1783-1844
    ┌── George Oliver Symonds Scutt ca 1840-
    |    └── Susanna Symonds? †ca 1841
── Leonard George Scutt ca 1870-ca 1923
    |    ┌── Thomas Cooper ca 1795-1877
    └── Jemina Cooper ca 1829-ca 1891
         └── Ann Hancon 1796-1877