Ancestors of Terence A. Davies

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

    ┌── Evan L. Davies
── Terence A. Davies ca 1954
    |              ┌── Samuel Scutt 1823-1924
    |         ┌── Joseph Scutt 1869-1905
    |         |    └── Jane Webb ca 1829-1888
    |    ┌── William Alfred Scutt 1897-1959
    |    |    |    ┌── ------ Chesterfield †/1901
    |    |    └── Elizabeth L. Chesterfield ca 1875-ca 1965
    |    |         └── Mary ------ ca 1848-
    └── Mary A. Scutt ca 1920
         └── Gertrude Jane Smith 1900-1986
- connections 2, friends 2