Ancestors of Edwin F. Fell

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

         ┌── Joseph Fell
    ┌── Joseph Fell ca 1837-
    |    └── Sophia Taylor
── Edwin F. Fell ca 1867-
    |              ┌── Marmaduke Scutt 1714-1782
    |         ┌── John Scutt ca 1758-1826
    |         |    └── Alice Roberts †1793
    |    ┌── Marmaduke Scutt 1794-1875
    |    |    |    ┌── Daniel Boothroyd 1734-1800
    |    |    └── Susannah Boothroyd 1758-1826
    |    |         └── Ann Foster 1733-
    └── Hannah Scutt 1833-ca 1892
         |    ┌── Richard Majer
         └── Ann Majer ca 1794-1841
              └── Hannah Taffinder 1753-
- connections 3, friends 3