Ancestors of Ronald J. Fletcher

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

         ┌── Tom John Fletcher 1887-
    ┌── John Gilbert Fletcher ca 1914
    |    └── Florence V. Gledhill ca 1889-
── Ronald J. Fletcher ca 1936-2005
    |              ┌── Edward Scutt 1823-1868
    |         ┌── William Scutt 1852-1927
    |         |    └── Mary Ann Ducker 1823-1869
    |    ┌── Edward Scutt 1887-1965
    |    |    |    ┌── George Bateman ca 1823-1869
    |    |    └── Ann Elizabeth Bateman 1857-1940
    |    |         └── Hannah Shaw ca 1827-
    └── Gladys Scutt 1915-2005
         |    ┌── Joseph Harris
         └── Edith Harris 1886-1978
              └── Susanna Crawshaw
- connections 5, friends 5