Ancestors of Ruby Scutt

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

                   ┌── William Scutt ca 1787-1869
              ┌── George Scutt 1828-1887
              |    └── Maria Hepworth ca 1789-1839
         ┌── William Scutt 1850-ca 1925
         |    └── Mary Ann Bennett ca 1826-
    ┌── Herbert Edgar Scutt ca 1883-ca 1963
    |    |    ┌── William Tyler ca 1817-1891/
    |    └── Ann Elizabeth Tyler ca 1847-ca 1925
    |         └── Mary Ann ------ ca 1821-
── Ruby Scutt ca 1923-2013
    └── Isabella Berry 1886-ca 1982