Descendants of Richard Bell

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the great-grandchildren

 0━┳ Richard Bell 1842- & Mary Anne August
   ┗━1━┳ William J. Bell 1870- &1905 Elizabeth Scutt 1873-1927
       ┣━1━━ Aylmer Erskine Bell 1910-
       ┗━2━┳ Wilfred Scutt Bell 1913-1984 &1942 S. E. Brack
           ┣━1━━ Allan Bell
           ┣━2━━ Jim Bell
           ┣━3── Betty Bell
           ┗━4── Barbara Bell

Total: 7 descendants (11 individuals with spouses)

- connections 4, friends 4