Ancestors of Valerie Scudds

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

                   ┌── Thomas Scudds 1802-ca 1853
              ┌── James Scudds ca 1837-ca 1872
              |    └── Sophia Looker ca 1801-1853
         ┌── James William Scudds ca 1863-1936
         |    └── Rebecca Catherine Jones ca 1833-ca 1925
    ┌── Harold John Scudds ca 1900-1964
    |    |    ┌── Thomas James Veasey 1826-1876
    |    └── Elizabeth Veasey ca 1865-1945
    |         └── Sarah Brown 1829-1896
── Valerie Scudds ca 1932
    └── Christiana Lizzie Eames 1901-1996
- connections 3, friends 3