Ancestors of Wayne Gordon Scudds

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

                   ┌── Albert William Scudds 1874-1949
              ┌── Harold John Richard Scudds 1906-1978
              |    └── Maud Sophia Scott ca 1882-1960
         ┌── Ian Gordon Scudds 1933-2013
         |    |    ┌── James Murray M. Gordon
         |    └── Thelma Joyce Gordon 1914-1980
         |         └── Edith Jane Pryor
    ┌── Stanley Gordon Scudds ca 1958
    |    └── Dulcie Lillian Keasey 1933-2002
── Wayne Gordon Scudds ca 1985
    └── Karyn Michelle Turner
- connections 15, friends 15