Ancestors of Bradley M. Scudds

— Generation - / +  —
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up to the 5th generation.

                   ┌── Thomas Scudds †1871/
              ┌── George Henry Scudds 1844-ca 1919
              |    └── Mary Ann Cheek ca 1812-ca 1900
         ┌── Francis Martin Scudds 1880-1972
         |    └── Mary Ann Weston 1845-1920
    ┌── Harold Frances Scudds 1906-1994
    |    |    ┌── Harry L. Cook
    |    └── Grace Alice Cook ca 1881-1921
    |         └── Alice Fowler
── Bradley M. Scudds ca 1954
    |    ┌── Grover Shafer
    └── Phyllis Nell Shafer 1928-2021
         └── Mabel ------
- connections 2, friends 2