Up to the 7th generation

    ┌── Matthew Robertson Duxfield 1929
┌── Bruce Leonard Duxfield 1955-1957
    │              ┌── Thomas Skutt 1769-1831
    │           ┌── Richard Skutt 1792-1875
    │           │  └── ------ ------ †ca 1797
    │        ┌── Richard Skutt 1832-1905
    │        │  └── Maria Mortimer 1793-ca 1861
    │     ┌── William Mortimer Skutt 1860-1932
    │     │  └── Elizabeth Taylor ca 1828-1866
    │  ┌── Ernest William Skutt 1888-1967
    │  │  └── Elizabeth Arnold Shambrook ca 1860-1942
    └── Constance Elizabeth Joyce Skutt 1928
       │  ┌── Daniel Goulding 1847-1931
       └── Emily Goulding 1889-1984
          └── Jane Hall 1844-1939

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