Naixement el 24 de febrer de 1920 • Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
[marriage event] amb Trevor Murray Smith el 23 de maig de 1942 • Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

Notes F E J S apparently visited England as a child. E S(35) with daughter (Frances Emily) Jean Skutt departed in 1925 from Southampton to Wellington, New Zealand.


  • Naixement: Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960 / Christopher John Tree
  • [marriage event] amb Trevor Murray Smith: New Zealand Marriages 1836-1956 Folio 03463

fins a 14 à 7 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] ascendentsPresentació extensaA l'edat de[surnames branch]Menu [tools] ascendents
     ♦ William Mortimer Skutt 1860-1932
     – Elizabeth Arnold Shambrook ca 1860-1942
Ernest William Skutt 1888-1967
Emily Goulding 1889-1984
     – Daniel Goulding 1847-1931
     – Jane Hall 1844-1939

Germans i germanes Càlcul de parentesc 👪 Drecera ♆[family time line]Oncles i tiesNebots i nebodes
  1. Ernest Richard 1916-1922
  2. Frances Emily Jean 1920
  3. Mary Muriel Grace 1927
  4. Constance Elizabeth Joyce 1928

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