Up to the 7th generation

    ┌── Leslie Charles Marshall †1972
┌── Stanley Gilbert Marshall ca 1920-1941
    │              ┌── John Skutt
    │           ┌── James Skutt 1783-1870
    │           │  └── Ann ------
    │        ┌── George Skutt ca 1815-ca 1890
    │        │  └── Hannah Parsons 1785-1861
    │     ┌── Harry Skutt 1850-ca 1883
    │     │  └── Eliza Whitlock ca 1816-ca 1889
    │  ┌── Tom Musselwhite Skutt ca 1875-ca 1953
    │  │  └── Sarah Ann Musselwhite ca 1850-
    └── Edith Nellie Ingela Skutt 1900-1974
       └── Lena Rose Howell ca 1874-1930

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