Richard Skutt 1832-1905

73 år, 4 måneder gammel, 24 dager gammel

(1861-1865) teacher
Fødsel den 8. januar 1832 • Poole, Dorset
Dåp den 11. mars 1832 • Poole, Dorset
Ekteskap med Elizabeth Taylor i august 1855 • Lymington district, Hampshire
Ekteskap med Sarah Jane Dorey den 29. desember 1866 • Poole, Dorset
Død den 1. juni 1905 • Warwick, Warwickshire

Notater [Hampshire Advertiser - Saturday 17 June 1865. School of Art. The result of the examination in drawing that took place here last month is given below, and it will be seen that there were 209 papers successfully worked out of 437 taken by the candidates for the Department of Art prizes, &c. Mr. Skutts's School. Higher grade freehand: E. H. Bainbury 4.Lower grade freehand - G. H. Baker ex., L. W. Lowman ex. :J. Robins, T. G. Atkins. A. Baker. T. Eyles, L. Perrero. A. J. Lowe, W. Sainsbury, and L. J. Stay, all P. Geometry H. Beer ex, H. Bryan ex. ; Model A. J. Robins ex. ; H. Beer P.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Saturday 17 September 1898. Defaulting Ratepayers. Elizabeth Featherston, proprietress of a ladies' college at Kenilworth, was summoned by Richard Scutt, collector to the Kenilworth Urban District Council, for non-payment of a district rate, amounting to €4.10s. Defendant did not appear. She was also summoned in respect to the non-payment of a poor rate, amounting to £2.5s. The Bench made an order for payment in the first case, and issued a distress warrant in the second.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire, Saturday 12 November 1898. Sanitary and Highways Committee. This Committee recommended that certificate of occupation under the Public Health Act, 1878, be granted to Mr. R. Skutt, in respect of two houses erected by him in Priory Road, and to Mr. M. Skutt, for two houses erected by him in the same road.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire, Saturday 30 March 1889. Kenilworth. Annual Tea Meeting. The annual tea meeting of the members of Abbey Hill Chapel took place on Thursday evening, last week. The tables were prettily and tastefully arranged, and upwards of 90 sat down to tea. The customary after-meeting was held, at which the Rev. John Naylor (pastor) presided. Addresses were given, and singing was rendered by the choir. Vestry Meeting. A vestry meeting, called for the purpose of nominating Overseers and Assessors and Precentors of Taxes, took place at the Parish Room, on Tuesday morning. The Rev. A. J. Binnie (vicar) presided, and there were also present Messrs Barton, Brown, Jackson, Kiley, Swain, James, &c. On the proposition of Mr Barton, seconded by Mr Kiley, Mr John Brown was nominated as Overseer for the ensuing year and on the proposition of Mr Swain, seconded by Mr Skutt, Mr E. E. Nixon was also nominated. The names of Mr John Berry (Castle End) and Mr W. Kiley (High Street) were also placed on the list, on the proposition of Mr Barton, seconded by Mr James. The resignation of Mr John Orme as assessor and precentor of taxes was accepted; and Mr Barton proposed, Mr Jackson seconded, and it was carried unanimously, that Mr R. Skutt and Mr S. Swain, jun., be nominated as assessors and precentors of taxes. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr Orme for his services, on the proposition of Mr Swain, seconded by the Vicar and a similar vote of thanks was also passed to Mr Swain, on the motion of Mr Skutt, seconded by Mr Barton. Votes of thanks were also tendered to the Overseers for their services during the past year, on the proposition of the Vicar, seconded by Mr Swain. Mr Brown, in acknowledging the vote of thanks, said they were greatly indebted to Mr Skutt, the Assistant Overseer, for the courteous way in which he had conducted the work. A vote of thanks was passed to the Vicar for presiding, and the meeting terminated.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire, Saturday 04 December 1897. Vestry Meeting. A vestry meeting was held at the Parish Room on Monday morning, being convened for the purpose of electing two Governors for the Arlidge's Charity in the place of Messrs. R. Skutt, and G. Page, whose term of office has expired. The Vicar presided, and amongst those present were Mr. W J Wlllington Wilmshurst (clerk), Messrs T S. Morris (churchwardens), E. E. Nixon, G. Church, J. Prime, S. Sumner, T. Wringrose, J. Knight C J. Carter, T. Palmer, T. Buswell, A. P. Hagg, R Skutt, and M. Mortimer Skutt. Mr. Sumner proposed the retiring governors for re-election. Mr. Skutt, in answer to the Chairman, as whether the retiring members would stand, stated that Mr. George Page had stated personally to him that owing to advanced years, he was unable offer himself for re-election. Mr. Sumner thereupon altered his resolution to proposing the re-election of Mr. R. Skutt only. Mr. Morris seconded. Mr. J. Knight proposed Mr. O. Woods in place of Mr. Page. Mr. G. Church seconded, and both the gentlemen proposed were unanimously elected. Arlidge's is a very important Nonconformist Charity, in connection with Abbey Hill Congregational Chapel. The governors are elected by the congregation. Two, however, have to be elected by the ratepayers in vestry, assembled, the qualification being they must be members of the same Nonconformist body. Considerable interest attached to the election.] [Coventry Evening Telegraph, Wednesday 11 January 1899. Kenilworth Urban District Council met on Tuesday evening, Mr. W. T. Pears presiding, and the attendance including Councillors Hodges, Middleton, Murdoch, Jackson. Holmes, Bostock, James, Street, Nelson, Gee, and Dr. Kemp Bourne. Mr. Richard Scutt wrote resigning his position of collector of general district rates under the Council, and recommending as his successor his eldest son, Mr. Mortimer Scutt. The resignation was accepted with regret, and it was decided that the question of the appointment should be postponed to allow of the usual advertisements being sent out.] [R S - 73yr. Kenilworth Water Company Limited, Richard Skutt (sec.) Rosemary Hill.]


  • Fødsel: Dorset Baptisms (Scutt) / Census 1841 Dorset
  • Dåp: Dorset Baptisms (Scutt) / Non-Conformist Records
  • Ekteskap med Elizabeth Taylor: Lymington 2b 754
  • Ekteskap med Sarah Jane Dorey: Poole 5a 639
  • Død: Warwick 6d 357

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     ♦ Thomas Skutt 1769-1831
     – ------ ------ †ca 1797
Richard Skutt 1792-1875
Maria Mortimer 1793-ca 1861

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