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[paternal grand-parents], onkuļi un tantes

    • Benjamin Skutt 1675-1742
    • precību 1706
    • Joanna Board †1711
      • Benjamin Skutt 1707-ca 1779
        precību 1736 Martha Greene †1786
      • William Skutt 1708-1737
      • Mary Skutt 1709-1780
        precību 1742 Robert Jubber 1702-1775
      • Joanna Skutt 1711-1711
    • Benjamin Skutt 1675-1742
    • precību 1723
    • Margaret Henning †1761
      • Joseph Skutt ca 1723-
      • Elizabeth Skutt ca 1724-ca 1797
        precību 1753 James Jubber ca 1730-1783
      • Margaret Ann Skutt 1725-1751
      • Ursula Skutt 1726-1793
        precību 1757 Thomas Jubber ca 1722-1778
      • George Flower Skutt ca 1729-1730

Eleanor Greene Skutt 1751-1824

Eleanor Greene/Eleanor
iespējams 73 gadi
  • Baptized datums: 1751.gada 20.augusts - Holborn, London - St. Giles in the Fields
  • Miršanas datums: 1824.gada 19.oktobris - Chelsea, London - St. Luke

[individual notes]

[Eleanor Green Skutt of Benjamin & Martha Skutt.] [1778, March 25. Indenture, Benjamin Skutt of Petty France, Westminster, Esquire, and Martha his wife, and Joseph Rule of Poole, Dorset, merchant. Premises called the Key Yard, situate on the Key in Poole. (Signed) Joseph Rule. Seal. Wits., Robt. Daw, Jno. Colborne, Notary-public. Endorsed with a further lease for 14 years, 22 March 1785. Martha Skutt of Brompton Road, Middlesex, widow, Benjamin Skutt of Lambeth, Surrey, gentleman, Eleanor Green Skutt of Brompton, spinster, and Joseph Rule. (Signed) Joseph Rule. The same witnesses.] [Saint Luke, Chelsea. Eleanor Greene Skutt, of Manor Sheet, aged 73. Cause of death, Age. Burial - Flat Stone, and costs 47.12.1.] [1783, July 25. Indenture, Martha Skutt of Brompton Row, par. of St. Mary Kensington, Middlesex, widow, Benjamin Skutt of St. Mary, Lambeth, Surrey, gentleman, Eleanor Greene Skutt of Brompton Row, spinster, and John Brown of Portsmouth, Southampton, draper. Premises in Quay Lane, Poole, Dorset. (Signed) Martha Skutt, Benjamin Skutt, Eleanor Greene Skutt. Seals. Wits., Geo. Andree, Chas. B. Andree, Geo. Hyde.] [Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers PROB 11/1692. Will of Eleanor Greene Skutt, Spinster of Chelsea, Middlesex - Date:1824 Nov 08.]

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Baptisms: FreeReg / Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers PROB 11/1692.
  • Nāve: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers PROB 11/1692.
| ca 1706 |   

1707-ca 1779


  • Benjamin 1738-/1746
  • William 1740-
  • John ca 1741-1794
  • Henry 1744-1745
  • Henry John 1746-1746/
  • Benjamin 1747-1818
  • Timothy Featherstone-Haugh ca 1750-