Up to the 7th generation

          ┌── Thomas Walker ca 1797-1847
       ┌── Joseph Walker ca 1829-1893
       │  │        ┌── Richard Scutts ca 1709-1777
       │  │     ┌── Richard Scutts ca 1734-
       │  │     │  └── Sarah Ball
       │  │  ┌── Thomas Scutts ca 1752-1833
       │  │  │  └── Mary Baker
       │  └── Rachel Scutts 1798-1876
       │     │  ┌── William Holborrow
       │     └── Sarah Holborrow ca 1754-1831
       │        └── Joan Chapple
    ┌── Thomas George Walker ca 1864-
    │  └── Johanna May 1837-
┌── Harold Walker 1900-
    └── Eva Jane Grove

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