Matrimonio con Joseph Scutts el 22 de febrero 1836 • Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
[witnesses]: Phebe Appleby  -  Michael Mansell  - 
Matrimonio con Henry Thompson el 27 de julio 1840 • Bromsgrove, Warwickshire

Casamiento(s) Joseph Scutts

J S bachelor, of this parish. S W spinster, of this parish. Banns: recorded by G B Clare.

Casamiento(s) Henry Thompson

S S - father:John Wood. H T - father:Joseph Thompson


  • Matrimonio con Joseph Scutts: Staffordshire Marriages Register Number 10055 / FreeReg
  • Matrimonio con Henry Thompson: Bromsgrove 18 245 / IGI I03752-6

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