William Harold Scutts 1920-1985

64 lat, 6 miesięcy, 25 dni

Urodzenie dnia 5 IX 1920 • Camberwell, London
[marriage event] z: Olive Grace Mathew około XI 1941 • Camberwell, London
Zgon w IV 1985 • Tunbridge Wells district, Kent
[cremation] dnia 2 V 1985 • Kent & Sussex Crematorium (Kent)

Uwagi The London Gazette [1974] In the Croydon County Court No.9 of 1974 - In the Matter of ASHBEE BUILDING & FURNISHING CONTRACTS ORGANISATION LIMITED and in the Matter of the Companies Act, 1948. Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding-up of the above-named Company by the Croydon County Court was on 30th October 1974 presented to the said Court by William Harold Scutts of "Rogric", Rushmore Hill, Knockholt in the County of Kent, Master Builder, and that the said Petition is directed to be heard before the Court sitting at Barclay Road, Croydon, on Wednesday, 4th December 1974; and any Creditor or Contributory of the said Company desirous to support or oppose the making of an Order on the said Petition may appear at the time of hearing in person or by his Solicitor or Counsel for that purpose; and a copy of the Petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any Creditor or Contributory of the said Company requiring such copy on payment of the regulated charge of the same. Nicholson, Graham & Jones, 19-21 Moorgate, London, Solicitors for the Petitioner.


  • Urodzenie: Camberwell 1d 1765
  • [marriage event] z: Olive Grace Mathew: Camberwell 1d 1302
  • Zgon: Tunbridge Wells 0485 16 1934

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     ♦ Charles Henry Scutts 1865-1912
     – Ada Sophia Freshwater 1877-ca 1969
William Charles Frederick Scutts 1894-ca 1977
Amy Higgins 1894-ca 1973

Rodzeństwo Szukanie pokrewieństwa 👪 Najkrótsza linia ♆[family time line]Stryjowie lub wujowie oraz ciotkiBratanek lub siostrzeniec
  1. William Harold 1920-1985
  2. Charles Kenneth 1922-ca 1983
  3. Margaret K. ca 1924
  4. Bernard ca 1926
  5. Patricia J. 1929
  6. Harold Robert ca 1931-2016
  7. Peter Stanley ca 1934
  8. Doris A. ca 1937
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