Sophia Cowell ca 1814-ca 1892

iespējams 78 gadi

(1860) teacher of music
Dzimšana ap 1814 • Middlesex, London
[marriage event] ar John Scutts datums: 1860.gada 13.jūnijs • Highworth, Wiltshire
[witnesses]: Elizabeth *ofs William Cowan
Nāve ap 1892 maijs • Highworth, Wiltshire

Piezīme(s) [both signed their own name. (Sophia Cowell, 26 & 42, crossed out > 40 years, Spinster)] [S S - 78yr.]

[marriage with] John Scutts

J S(37) widower, wheelwright, residence Wroughton - father: Anthony Scutts, wheelwright. S C(40), spinster, teacher of music, residence Swindon - father: Benjamin Bates Cowell, gentleman.

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Dzimšana: BMD (Deaths) / Census 1861 Somerset-71-81-1891 Wiltshire
  • [marriage event] ar John Scutts: Highworth 5a 27
  • Nāve: Highworth 5a 5
