Albert Thomas Fry 1847-

Albert/Alfred Thomas/Alfred

Naissença • Hullavington, Wiltshire
Baptisme lo 14 de març de 1847 • Hullavington, Wiltshire
[marriage event] amb Sarah Ann Scutts lo 28 de març de 1872 • Hullavington, Wiltshire

Nòtas His first name has to be verified - Albert or Alfred?

Maridatge amb Sarah Ann Scutts

S A Scutt(21) - father:Joseph Scutt. A T F(23) - father:Thomas (& Maria Fry). Marriage was on a Monday


  • Baptisme: IGI
  • [marriage event] amb Sarah Ann Scutts: Malmesbury 5a 51 [Scutt] / Wiltshire BMD - Chippenham C39/1/120 [Scutt] / VRI / IGI [Scutt]

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Thomas Fry
Maria ------

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