Cindy Elizabeth Scutts 1965

58 ans, 9 meses, 20 jorns

Naissença lo 13 de setembre de 1965 • Camperdown, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Relacion amb Andrew Samuel circa 1987 • ACT?, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas The Canberra Times (ACT :1926-1995) Wednesday 30 January 1985. SAMUEL-SCUTTS. It is with great pleasure the engagement is announced of Cindy, elder daughter of Colleen and the late James Scutts of Latham, to Andrew, only son of Louise and Charles Samuel of Deakin. Happiness always.


  • Naissença:
  • Pas de mencion amb Andrew Samuel: Katherine A. M. Butts

entrò 24 à 8 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 Arbre d’ascendéncia[horizontal tree]Taula ascendentsAfichatge longAtge al decèsBrancas patronimicasMenu aisinas ascendents
     ♦ Charles William Scutts 1904-1965
     ◊ Maria Ann Rooke 1910-2003
James Walter Scutts 1936-1984
Colleen Lois Wood 1940
     – Mervyn Keith Wood 1910-1994
     – Gwendoline Elizabeth Meiklejohn 1912-1969

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 [family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. Ross Arthur 1962
  2. Cindy Elizabeth 1965
  3. Katherine Ann Maria 1976

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