George Scutts ca 1830-1910

може би 80 години

Раждане около 1830 • Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
Кръщение на 27 юни 1830 • Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
[marriage event] с Harriet Scriven около февруари 1862 • Eaton Square, Pimlico, London - St Peter
Смърт на 26 октомври 1910 • Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire
Погребение • Woodford, Cheshire

Бележки [G S bapt:Long Newton, Wiltshire also noted.] [Stonehouse: Anglican Parish [1829] P316 OV 7/2/3/6 warrants to arrest putative father of bastard children [George Scutts] & [1830] P316 OV 5/1/67 warrants for apprehension of putative fathers]. [G S - 79yr., living at Newland Grove Lane. To Harriett Scutts (widow).] (Is this the burial date?)


  • Раждане: Census 1841-51 Wiltshire-71-81-91-1901 London
  • Кръщение: Stonehouse: Anglican Parish [1829] P316 / IGI I06136-8
  • [marriage event] с Harriet Scriven: St. George, Hannover Square 1a 405
  • Смърт: Stockport 8a 69 / Wills 1910 / North Cheshire Memorial Inscriptions

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------ ------
Jane Scutts ca 1809-
     ♦ Joseph Scutts ca 1783-1872
     ◊ Ann Wilcox 1788-ca 1867

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