Fæðing í ágúst 1807 • Bristol, Gloucestershire
Skírn   21 september 1807 • Bristol, Gloucestershire - Ss Philip & Jacob

Athugasemdum William Nicholas Mercer Scutts, son of Henry and Ann, was baptized on 20th September 1807 at the church of St. Philip & St. Jacob, Bristol. Abode was Lawrence Hill and father's occupation was accountant. The child was 5 weeks old at the time of baptism.


  • Skírn: Ss Phillip & Jacob Baptisms / IGI C017167

upp að 6 à 4 kynslóðir
Forfeður      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] forfeðurLöng skýrslaDánaraldur[surnames branch]Menu [tools] forfeður
     ♦ Henry Scutts 1733-
     – Jane Mercer ca 1729-1815
Henry Scutts ca 1771-1830
Ann White †1820

Systkyni Reikna tengsl 👪 [family time line]Föður(móður)systur og föður(móður)bræðurBræðra og systrabörn
  1. Eliza ca 1798-1799
  2. John White 1798-1836
  3. Jane 1802-
  4. Charles Frederick 1802-
  5. William Augustus 1805-1805
  6. William Nicholas Mercer 1807-
  7. Eloise 1810-1813