Fæðing   29 mars 1888 • Port Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

Athugasemdum He joined the Merchant Navy in the U.K. in 1915 and was there until retirement. He was Chief Officer and worked on several ships and worked for several different lines (Elder Dempster), (Bristol City Line) and many others. The ships included Cape Race, Yewdale, Auchmacoy, Berga and Arete.

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Forfeður      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] forfeðurLöng skýrslaDánaraldur[surnames branch]Menu [tools] forfeður
George William Bennett ca 1850-
Elizabeth Evans 1850-
     – William Evans
     ♦ Mary Ann Scutts ca 1828-1896

Systkyni Reikna tengsl 👪 [family time line]Föður(móður)systur og föður(móður)bræður
  1. George Wilmott ca 1875-1943
  2. Bertram L. ca 1875-
  3. Kate ca 1880-
  4. John Melbourne 1888-