Josiah Thomas Thompson ca 1816-ca 1877


kannski 61 ára

(1851) furniture broker, (1861) auctioneer porter
Fæðing um 1816 • Fulham, London
[marriage event] með ------ ------ um 1838
[marriage event] með Elizabeth Kendal Scutts   15 september 1849 • Lambeth, Surrey (London) - St. Mary
[witnesses]: Edmond Powell Elizabeth Powell
Látin(n) um mai 1877 • Southwark district, London

Athugasemdum Josiaha Thomas Thompson, bachelor of full age, carman - 12 Paradise Street - father:Josiah Thomas Thompson, deceased, carman. Elizabeth Kendel Scutts, spinster of full age (address same as above only one entry in middle of the two people) - father:John Hayward Scutts, cooper. Both signed their own names. Witnesses:Edm'd Powell & Eliz'th Powell. J T T - 60yr.

[marriage with] Elizabeth Kendal Scutts

Banns 1849 Aug 26.


  • Fæðing: Census 1861 London
  • [marriage event] með Elizabeth Kendal Scutts: Lambeth 4 372
  • Látin(n): St. Saviour 1d 80

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Josian Thomas Thompson
Mary ------ ca 1785-

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