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John Scutts 1809-1866

57 år
Anenummer 6 til Mary Jane Bryant

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[Deposition. The Information of Charles Mitchell the servant of Joseph Mills of Nailsworth in the County of Gloucester, skinner, and also the said Joseph Mills taken upon Oath this Third day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six at the Parish of Malmsbury in the County of Wilts before me, George Augustus Budermann, Clerk one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Wilts on the Examination and in the Presence and Hearing of John Scutts brought before me and charged with stealing a sheep the property of Richard Blackford first the said Charles Mitchell on Oath says, that on Saturday last he was sent by his master Joseph Mills to Tetbury for skins, that he called at John Scutts's house and received a sheep skin, that as soon as he threw the skin acros the Pad of the Horse this Examinant observed the mark on the back of the skin, and is sure that the one now produced is the same skin that he received from John Scutts, that Examinant took the said skin with many others and delivered them unto his masters yard at Nailsworth. And this Examinant Joseph Mills saith that he sent the said Charles Mitchell to Tetbury on Saturday last for skins, that the said Charles Mitchell bought with many others the skins now produced that yesterday morning the 2nd [instant] Mr Richard Blackford immediately came and inquired if he had any sheep skins which he had received from Tetbury that Examinant then said he had and shewed him several and among others the one now produced which the said Richard Blackford immediately knew to be the sheep which had been stolen from his Field. Sworn before me G A Budermann. The mark of Charles Mitchell X, Joseph Mills (signed).] [Deposition. The Information of Richard Blackford of Malmsbury in the County of Wilts Gentleman taken upon Oath this Third day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six at the Parish of Malmsbury in the County of Wilts before me, George Augustus Budermann, Clerk one of His Majesty s Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Wilts on the Examination and in the Presence and Hearing of John Scutts brought before me and charged with stealing a sheep the property of the said Richard Blackford the said Richard Blackford on Oath says, That on Thursday, the Twenty eighth day of July last, he caused Twenty four sheep his property to be put into a Field called the Dolemead in the parish of Westport and on the next day Friday Examinant upon going into the Field missed one of the sheep - that on Tuesday morning last, Examinant in consequence of what he had heard went to Joseph Mills at Nailsworth in the County of Gloucester skinner and asked the said Joseph Mills if he had purchased at Tetbury, that Jos Mills said that he had sent his Boy to Tetbury for skins, but where they were he could not tell there were so many together, the Examt then said if he could see them he could tell whether the skin of his sheep was there or not, his sheep had a natural mark near the shoulder - That the said Joseph Mills then turned over the skins, and Exam soon saw his sheep skin and knew it immediately and this Examinant saith that the skin now produced was the skin of his sheep which was stolen from his Field on the Twenty ninth day of July last. That on his return from Nailsworth to Tetbury, he caused the said John Scutts to be apprehended, upon which the said John Scutts he would go any where with him the said Richard Blackford for he had stolen his sheep and deserved to be punished. Sworn before me G A Budermann, Richard Blackford (signed).] [Wiltshire Quarter Sessions (Oct 18 1836), John Scutts age 26. Index to Prisoners for Trial at the Marlborough Sessions, Oct 18 1836. Committed by the Rev. G. A. Biedermann, charged on the oaths of Richard Blackford, and others, with having feloniously stolen one ewe sheep, the property of the said Richard Blackford, at Westport. Warrant dated August 3 1836. Handwritten entry - To be transported for the term of his natural life & in the meantime to be confined in the Co. gaol. John Scutts: reference no.24. Depositions of Charles Mitchell and Richard Blackford.] [J S convicted of sheep stealing, Wilts Quartersessions 1836. Life sentence. Transported 1837 on 'Charles Kerr' arr:Sydney 9 Oct 1837. He could read & write, Protestant & married.] [Salisbury & Winchester Journal, Monday 14 November 1836. The following prisoners have during the present week been removed from Fisherton Gaol, and put on board the York Hulk, at Gosport:—Wm. Ingram, John Scutts, John Morse, Wm. Hurry (life); James Part and Daniel Brown ( 14years ); Wm. Yates and Wm. Smith (thrice 7 years); Richard Selwood, Thos.Webb, Samuel Witts, and James Abrey (7 years.)] [The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW :1803-1842) Saturday 4 January 1840 p2 Article - John Scutts, at the instance of his wife, was convicted of disorderly conduct, and ordered to find sureties for his future good behaviour, or be imprisoned for one month.] [GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Friday February 11, 1842. Court of Claims. The Sydney Herald Tuesday 15 February 1842 p2. To Mr Lewis Moore - Sir, We, the undersigned, Electors of Phillip Ward, have to beg again that you will allow yourself to be put in nomination for to represent our interests in the City Council, and we earnestly pledge ourselves to use every exertion to assure your election. included John Scutts] - Pardoned 1843 Aug 28 - Set free 9/3/1844.] [List of Citizens, The Australian - Sydney, NSW: 1824-1848 Friday 23 September 1842 p4 Article. List of Citizens. In Phillip Ward, City of Sydney, SCHEDULE C. Scutts John, house, Parramatta Street.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842-1954) Thursday 21 November 1844 p2 Article. ... the estate of John Scutt's, butcher, Parramatta Street, sequestrated on the 19th instant] [Another Bankruptcy, Insolvency Proceedings Friday. The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 14 December 1844 p3 Article - Meetings for Today, John Scutts, a single meeting, at half past one.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Friday 20 December 1844 p4 Advertising - IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE OF JOHN SCUTTS. Under Act of Council 5 Viet. No17. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, MR. N. RUNDLE will sell by auction, on SATURDAY, the 21st instant, at 1 AM., on the premises occupied by the abovenamed insolvent, on the Parramatta Road, a short distance beyond Mrs. Thompson's (the Governor Bourke's Statue), a quantity of household furniture, and sundry other articles, Terms, CASH. C. IRVING, Official Assignee.] [The Sydney Morning Herald - Monday 13 January 1845 Domestic Intelligence. Insolvency Proceedings. Saturday. Before the Chief Commissioner, Proof of Claims. In the estate of John Scutts, a special meeting - £67 8s 6d] [1848 Nov 23 John Scutts, butcher, Parramatta Street, Sydney: debts £211 16s ld; balance deficiency £184 9s Pd.] [The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (1848 Jan 26) Insolvency Proceedings. John Scutts, a special meeting, at noon Wednesday 29 October 1856 - a meeting with creditors.] [Insolvent Court, Friday. (Before the Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates,) Empire (Sydney, NSW: 1850-1875) Saturday 8 November 1856 p4 Article. In the estate of John Scutts, an adjourned single meeting. The insolvent attended, but no creditors appeared to prove. The Chief Commissioner allowed the insolvent to retain his wearing apparel and furniture. The meeting then terminated.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Thursday 11 March 1858 p4 Article - Cnetral Police Court, Wednesday - Before Mr. Forbes, Mr. Allen, Mr. Joy, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Eliott and Mr. Moriarty. Nineteen drunkards were subjected to the pains and penalties consequent upon being found inebriated in the streets. One who, while under the influence of drink, made use of vile language, was sentenced to pay 40s. or to be imprisoned three weeks. Another, a butcher named Scutts, who by reason of his indulgence was suffering under delirium tremens, and incapable of taking care of himself, was sentenced to fourteen days imprisonment, in default of his giving sureties for his good behaviour.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Saturday 13 August 1859 p15 Advertising. Lot 2 - The premises occupied by Mr Scutts, No 40, Bay Street, consisting of Shop and stone and brick built Cottage of 4 rooms, with yard and extensive stabling, now let for £52 per annum.] [Central Police Court - Monday. Empire (Sydney, NSW :1850-1875) Tuesday 10 January 1860 p5 Article. John Scutts, apprehended on the charge of attempting to commit suicide, and being unable to attend, was remanded to the Infirmary for three days.] [Pyrmont Butcher 25/02/1862 Sequestration: 05750.] [Thursday 27 February 1862 Sydney - INSOLVENCY COURT. SURRENDERS. John Scutts, of Union Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, butcher. Liabilities, £4113s. Assets, £8 10d. Deficit, £33 3s. Mr.Mackenzie, official assignee.] [Sands Directory 1864 Scutts, John, butcher, Parramatta Road, Petersham.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 1 December 1866. A man named John Scutts, died at Petersham from the effects of over indulgence in intoxicating drinks, on Tuesday evening last.] [Funeral. The Friends of the late Mr. John Scutts, Butcher, are invited to attend his funeral; to move from his residence, Petersham, This (Thursday) Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. J and G. Shying, Undertakers, No. 719, opposite Christ.]


  • Fødsel: Convict Records / Wiltshire Quarter Session Calendars.
  • Dåp: England & Wales Christening Records 1530-1906 / Cilla Sherston.
  • Ekteskap: IGI M153371-2 / Convict Records / Wiltshire Quarter Session Calendars.
  • Død: Maitland Mercury 1844 index / Steven Sinden.

ca 1747-1817

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ca 1779-ca 1846
ca 1808
