Ernest Charles Scutts 1877-ca 1959

Ernest/Alfred Charles/Alfred
iespējams 81 gadi

Dzimšana datums: 1877.gada 27.jūnijs • Northfleet, Kent
[marriage event] datums: 1902.gada 26.jūlijs • Greenhithe, Kent
[witnesses]: Richard George Clement Arthur Edward Scutts ca 1880-1947
Nāve ap 1959.gada 19.jūnijs • Dartford, Kent - Southern Hospital
Bēres datums: 1959.gada 25.jūnijs • Swanscombe Cemetery

[witness] -> [marriage event] -> Arthur Edward Scutts ca 1880-1947 &1904 Annie Moore ca 1881-1959.

Piezīme(s) [Ernest A(lfred) Scutts according to the Census 1881 Kent. Peter Anthony Scutts states Alfred Charles Scutts instead.] [E C S was witness to the marriage between Frederick Thomas Clement (brother-in-law) & Muriel Margaret Hearne at Greenhithe, St Mary the Virgin on 1912 Jan 27.] [E C S - 81yr.] [Ernest Charles Scutts, a paper warehouseman of Knockhall Road, Greenhithe sadly passed away at the Southern Hospital, Dartford and was laid to rest at Swanscombe Cemetery on the 25th June 1959 - Plot: Grave 2909.]

[marriage with] Elizabeth Hannah Clement

E C S (25) bachelor, labourer from Park Terrace, Greenhithe - father:Alfred Charles Scutts, cooper. E H C (25) spinster from Pier Corner, Greenhithe - father:Richard George Clement, waterman

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Dzimšana: North Aylesford 2a 442 (3rd.Q.) / FreeReg 399
  • [marriage event] ar Elizabeth Hannah Clement: Dartford 2a 1181 / FreeReg 291
  • Nāve: Dartford 5b 421

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     ◊ Alfred Henry Scutts ca 1830-ca 1913
     – Charlotte Jenkins ca 1832-ca 1900
Alfred Charles Scutts 1854-ca 1926
Mary Louisa Gardiner ca 1857-1940

Brāļi/māsas Radniecības aprēķināšana 👪 [family time line]Onkuļi un tantesBrāļa
  1. Ernest Charles 1877-ca 1959
  2. Alfred Henry 1879-1963
  3. Arthur Edward ca 1880-1947
  4. Amelia Mary ca 1882-ca 1883
  5. Albert John 1884-ca 1953
  6. Mary Amelia C. ca 1885-
  7. Sidney Victor ca 1887-1965
  8. Nellie ca 1888-1888
  9. Eva Maud ca 1892-ca 1895
  10. Florence Louisa ca 1893-
  11. William George ca 1896-1954
  12. Harold Kimberley 1901-ca 1952
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