Charlotte Jenkins ca 1832-ca 1900


võib-olla 68 aastat

Sünd umbes 1832
[marriage event] koos  Stephen May [in (year)] 1849
[marriage event] koos  Alfred Henry Scutts augustis 1853 • Northfleet, Kent - Parish Church
[witnesses]: Mary Ann Jenkins Charles Hinks
Surm umbes augustil 1900 • Northfleet, Kent

Märkused C S 68yr.

[marriage with] Alfred Henry Scutts

H A S (full age) bachelor of Northfleet, cooper - father:John Hayward Scutts, cooper. C M (full age) widow, of Northfleet - father:James Jenkins, green grocer.


  • Sünd: BMD (Deaths)
  • [marriage event] koos Alfred Henry Scutts: N Aylesford 2a 403
  • Surm: Strood 2a 335

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