Annie Maria Mackie ca 1855-1932

може би 77 години

Раждане около 1855 • Hardingstone, Northamptonshire
[marriage event] с John Scutts около 30 март 1878 • Hardingstone, Northamptonshire
Смърт на 1 ноември 1932 • Mapledurham, Oxfordshire

Бележки A M S - 77yr., lived at The White House, Mapledurham. To Marion(spinster) & Frank Scutts (son, retired courier).


  • Раждане: Censuses
  • [marriage event] с John Scutts: Hardingstone 3b 58
  • Смърт: Henley 3a 1231 / Wills 1932

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