Augustus Frederick Scutts 1868-1869

star eno leto, 2 mesecev star/mesecev stara, 18 dni star/dni stara

Rojstva [on (day month year)] 30. junija 1868 • Liverpool, Lancashire
Smrti [on (day month year)] 18. septembra 1869 • Liverpool, Lancashire
Pogreb [on (day month year)] 21. septembra 1869 • Liverpool, Lancashire

Zapiski [Liverpool Mercury Saturday 04 July 1868. June 30, in Bright Street, Everton Road, the wife of Mr. John White Scutts, of a son.] [A F S 14m., bur:1869 Sep 21 - Plot: Consecrated Sec.3, Grave 1913.] [Wed 22 Sep 1869, Liverpool Daily Post, Merseyside. Scutts - September 18, 52 Preston Street, aged 14 months, Augustus Frederick, son of John White Scutts.]


  • Rojstva: