Descendants of William Shearman

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up to the 12th generation

 0━┳ William Shearman 1864- & Hannah Walker ca 1866-1935
   ┣━1━━ Herbert Shearman 1888-
   ┣━2━━ Walter Shearman 1890-
   ┣━3━━ Joseph Shearman 1893-
   ┣━4━━ Frederick Shearman 1895-
   ┣━5━━ George Shearman 1896-
   ┣━6── Ada Shearman 1899-
   ┗━7━━ Arthur Shearman 1905-1990

Total: 7 descendants (9 individuals with spouses)

- connections 16, friends 16