David Leslie Scutts 1937

86 ans, 11 meses, 21 jorns

Naissença lo 12 de julhet de 1937 • Stanmore, NSW, AUSTRALIA
[marriage event] amb Carmen Jean Morris en 1963 • Ashfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Saturday 17 July 1937 - SCUTTS (nee Gwen Ward) - July 12 at Lydham hospital, Stanmore to Mr and Mrs L A Scutts a son David Leslie.] [He previously lived in Sydney, solicitor for about 45 years at Truman Hoyle) but is now retired.]

Maridatge amb Carmen Jean Morris

3 children born here and they in turn have 2 children each by other relationships


  • Naissença: David Scutts
  • [marriage event] amb Carmen Jean Morris: NSW 3832 / David Scutts / Alb Legal News [2006 Apr 26]

entrò 20 à 7 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 Arbre d’ascendéncia[horizontal tree]Taula ascendentsAfichatge longAtge al decèsBrancas patronimicasMenu aisinas ascendents
     ♦ Henry Albert Scutts ca 1874-1945
     ♦ Bridget Anastasia Fagan 1878-1946
Leslie Arthur Scutts ca 1907-1991
Gwendolen Lilian Ward 1907-1967
     – Charles Frederick Ward 1873-1936
     – Ada Jane Spears

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 [family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. Pamela Joy ca 1936
  2. David Leslie 1937
