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Cedric George Osborne

Cedric George/Cedric

Manželství a děti

  • v 1953, Burwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA, si vzal Amy May Scutts 1930, je dcerou Charles William Scutts 1904-1965 a Maria Ann Rooke 1910-2003, měli spolu děti [n (number)] děti:
    • Gregory George 1953
    • Judy May 1954
    • Carol Ann 1956
    • Leslie Charles 1956

[individual notes]

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 20 February 1952 p28 - OSBORN-SCUTTS - The Engagement is announced of Amy May elder daughter of Mr & Mrs C W Scutts of 44 Badminton Rood, Croydon to Mr Cedric George Osborn elder son of Mr & Mrs A G Osborn of 110 Cambridge Street, South Grafton.


  • Manželství: NSW # 16684 Burwood & Manly (2x).