Os 649 sobrenomes (2502 pessoas)

- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

----- (1), ------ (99)

Ackers (1), Adey (1), Aereman (1), Aggett (1), Ainsworth (1), Alexander (3), Allen (1), Allison (1), Allner (1), Alloway (4), Amey (2), Amsdon (1), Andrews (4), Archer (1), Aston (3), Atrill (1)

Babington (1), Bacca (3), Bacon (7), Bailey (4), Baines (4), Baker (3), Barkas (1), Barr (1), Barrow (1), Bartholomew (1), Bascombe (2), Batchelor (3), Baxell (4), Bayley (2), Beale (1), Bean (1), Beastall (1), Beeson (1), Behague (1), Bennet (1), Bennett (9), Bentley (1), Berrey (1), Berry (4), Betts (1), Beuten (1), Bevercombe (7), Billings (1), Bishop (4), Black (2), Blair (6), Boatswain (1), Bond (2), Borden (1), Bosley (2), Bowden (10), Bowen (3), Bowerman (1), Bowley (1), Bowyer (1), Boyt (3), Bradbury (1), Bradley (2), Brain (1), Bramble (2), Brannscombe (1), Bray (1), Bremblecoome (1), Brett (11), Bridewell (1), Bridger (3), Bridgman (1), Bridle (1), Bristow (2), Broad (1), Brock (2), Brooke (1), Brookes (3), Brooks (5), Brown (11), Browning (1), Brownjohn (8), Bruckshaw (1), Bryant (1), Bucher (1), Buckingham (4), Buckley (1), Budden (7), Buelles (1), Bulpitt (1), Burger (1), Burnell (1), Burnhill (1), Burridge (1), Burrows (1), Burt (3), Bushrod (6), Butcher (1)

Came (1), Capel (1), Carnell (1), Carter (4), Cateley (4), Cater (1), Caulfeild (1), Causon (1), Cave (1), Chant (1), Chapman (2), Cheek (1), Chesterfield (3), Chick (1), Chilcott (7), Clampitt (11), Clare (1), Clark (2), Clarke (5), Clarkson (2), Clayton (2), Clover (1), Cockfield (2), Colborne (3), Coleman (2), Compton (3), Coney (1), Cook (1), Cooke (6), Coole (1), Cooper (4), Corbin (2), Cordle (1), Cordory (2), Cornick (1), Cornish (3), Corny (1), Cosh (2), Coster (1), Cowart (1), Cozens (3), Cread (1), Croad (3), Croft (3), Crowe (1), Curl (1), Curtis (1), Cussell (1)

(1), Dallas (1), Dalton (1), Damerell (1), Daniels (1), Dart (1), Davey (1), Davies (12), Davis (1), Dawes (6), Dawson (2), Day (3), Dean (1), Deane (2), Delehay (1), Desborough (1), Dicker (2), Dixon (1), Dodd (10), Donnelly (4), Dorey (5), Douglas (2), Dover (1), Doveton (3), Dowdeswell (4), Drew (1), Drinkwater (2), Dudman (1), Duke (1), Dunbar (1)

Eades (3), East (3), Edmunds (1), Edwards (2), Elliot-Brook (1), Ellis (2), Elton (1), Endacott (2), Esdale (1), Ester (2), Eustice (1), Evans (8), Everard (1), Everest (1), Eyles (1), Eyre (2)

Fairweather (3), Falla (2), Farrance (1), Farrant (6), Faulkner (2), Feltham (1), Felton (2), Filo (1), Finch (1), Fitzgerald (1), Flinn (2), Follett (3), Foord (3), Forty (1), Fosbrook (1), Fowler (1), Freeland (1), French (2), Fry (2), Fuller (1)

Gale (11), Galpin (4), Gass (1), Geller (1), Genge (1), Gidley (2), Giles (1), Gill (9), Gillard (1), Gillingham (1), Gingell (1), Girvan (1), Godelmann (1), Godelmann-Dean (1), Gomer (3), Goodfellow (2), Goodyear (2), Gosling (1), Gossling (1), Gough (1), Grant (1), Gray (1), Green (3), Greenall (1), Grice (1), Griffith (1), Griffiths (1), Gripton (2), Groom (3), Groves (6), Gullock (1), Guppy (1), Guy (5), Gyselynck (2)

Habgood-Hodder (1), Hadden (1), Hall (5), Halls (1), Halsted (1), Ham (1), Hammacott (1), Hammon (4), Hampton (1), Hancon (1), Hannar (1), Harden (5), Hardiman (1), Harris (3), Harrison (3), Hart (1), Harwood (1), Hatter (1), Hatton (3), Hawkins (6), Hayter (2), Heard (2), Heath (2), Hecks (1), Hellyer (1), Hendy (1), Henning (1), Henshall (1), Herbert (6), Herrington (1), Hibberd (7), Hicks (1), Higgins (1), Hill (1), Hillery (1), Hillier (1), Hillsmer (1), Hoar (1), Hockey (1), Hocking (1), Hodge (1), Hodgson (3), Hogben (1), Holdaway (2), Hole (1), Hollis (1), Holmes (2), Homer (1), Hooper (8), Hopkins (4), Hoskins (1), Housden (1), Howard (1), Howden (1), Howland (6), Hughes (1), Hull (9), Hunt (2), Hupton (1), Hurst (1), Hussey (2), Hutchinson (2), Hyde (1)

Inglis (1), Ingram (1)

Jackson (1), Jarvis (1), Jay (1), Jeffery (8), Jeffrey (3), Jeffries (1), Jenkins (4), Jenkinson (2), Jennings (2), Johnsen (1), Johnson (1), Jolliffe (7), Jones (8), Jury (1)

Keily (1), Kellaway (2), Kelly (1), Kent (4), Kerry (1), Keynes (1), King (4), Kingman (1), Kingsbury (1), Kirkpatrick (2), Knowles (1), Krul (1)

Lane (12), Langworthy (1), Lankshear (1), Larkin (1), Lauder (3), Lavers (1), Lawman (1), Lawrence (1), Laws (1), Lay (2), Leach (2), Leane (2), Lee (2), Letford (1), Lewis (5), List (2), Lithgow (4), Long (1), Looker (2), Lough (2), Lovelass (1), Loveless (1), Lovell (1), Lowe (2), Lucas (6), Luckes (1), Lux (1), Lynne (1)

Macdonald (1), Maddox (4), Maguire (5), Malim (3), Manley (5), Maraun (5), Mardon (1), Marke (1), Martin (5), Martyn (5), Massey (1), Matthews (5), Matthias (1), Maunder (3), Maunsell (1), Mays (1), McClellan (2), McEwin (1), McInnes (2), McMullan (2), Meaden (1), Meager (9), Mears (6), Meehan (1), Mellish (1), Merrison (1), Miller (4), Milligan (4), Mills (1), Milton (2), Moir (1), Moon (2), Moore (1), Moran (1), Morgreye (1), Morley (1), Morr (1), Morris (2), Mouer (1), Muffet (1), Mundy (1), Munforld (3), Murch (5), Murphy (3)

Naxon (1), Needham (1), Neill (1), Newman (1), Nguyen (1), Nicholas (1), Nicholls (3), Nickels (1), Nicklen (1), Nineham (3), Noble (1), Norris (4), Northcott (10), Northover (5), Notley (2), Nutbeam (1), Nuttman (1)

Oatridge (10), Ogden (4), Olliver (2), Ordish (7), Orlik (2), Osgood (2), Osmond (1), Oxford (5)

Page (2), Painter (2), Palmer (1), Parke (1), Parker (1), Parr (2), Parsons (4), Partridge (1), Paterson (1), Pattinson (1), Paull (1), Payne (1), Peach (1), Peacock (1), Pearce (5), Penn (1), Peplar (1), Perriton (1), Perrott (1), Perry (1), Perryman (2), Petrie (3), Philips (1), Phillips (7), Pike (7), Pilley (1), Pinder (3), Pirssell (1), Pitts (1), Plummer (1), Polhill (1), Pollard (2), Poole (1), Potocka (1), Potter (1), Powles (7), Praat (1), Press (1), Pressland (3), Pride (2), Proctor (3), Puttergill (1), Pyne (3)

Quimby (1)

Rabbets (3), Rabgent (1), Raby (1), Raines (1), Ray (1), Read (1), Redfern (2), Reed (3), Reeve (3), Regar (1), Reyes (2), Richards (2), Richardson (1), Ridge (1), Riggs (1), Rimmer (3), Robb (1), Roberts (4), Robinson (2), Roche (1), Rokesky (2), Rolls (1), Rooney (1), Rose (4), Ross (2), Rosser (1), Rowdon (1), Rowe (1), Rowles (2), Runyard (3), Russell (5), Rutter (1)

Samson (2), Satchell (1), Savile (4), Saxelby (1), Schotte (1), Scott (36), Scutt (928), Searle (2), Selway (1), Shapland (1), Sharp (1), Shaw (1), Sheppard (12), Sholl (1), Short (4), Simmonds (5), Simmons (7), Simpson (2), Sims (1), Sinnick (1), Sinnott (1), Skegg (1), Skut (1), Skutt (2), Slack (1), Sly (1), Smallbones (1), Smallwood (1), Smith (8), Soper (1), Spencer (1), Spicer (8), Spiers (1), Spilling (2), Squires (1), Stainer (3), Staples (1), Statt (1), Steele (1), Steer (1), Stevens (2), Stickland (1), Stock (4), Stockton (1), Stone (1), Stratford (1), Stringer (2), Sturmey (3), Sturton (2), Sumpter (1), Swindell (1), Swinnerton (1), Symes (3), Symonds (2), Symonds? (1)

Talbot (2), Tanner (1), Taverner (1), Taylor (2), Telford (1), That (1), Theaker (1), Thomas (5), Thompson (3), Thorn (9), Throop (1), Tilley (3), Tizard (2), Tobin (2), Todman (1), Toft (1), Tombs (1), Tomlin (1), Tomlinson (1), Tomsett (3), Trace (1), Trevett (1), Treymlet (1), Trigansy (1), Triggs (2), Tripp (1), Tyler (1)

Underwood (1), Usher (1)

Vare (4), Varga (3), Ventris (1), Venus (4), Vercoe (5), Vigins (1), Vincent (1), Voysey (1), Vye (2)

W------- (1), Wakeford (1), Walde (1), Wall (3), Wallis (15), Ward (2), Warren (8), Waterman (1), Waterson (1), Watkins (1), Watson (5), Watts (1), Waylett (3), Weatherwax (2), Webb (7), Webber (1), Webster (1), Welch (1), West (2), Westingdon (7), Westlake (2), Westmacott (3), While (1), White (8), Whiteside (3), Whitson (1), Wicks (1), Widger (1), Wigmore (1), Wilcox (1), Wild (1), Wilder (1), Willbond (1), Williams (3), Williamson (2), Wills (3), Wilson (4), Wollacot (1), Wood (5), Woodcock (1), Woodland (1), Woolfries (8), Worner (1), Wyatt (1), Wyeth (4)

Yarwood (1), Yeo (1), Young (4)

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