Birth on 20 April 1924 • Tottenham, London
Marriage with George Arthur Scutt on 5 May 1945 • Hendon district, Middlesex/London

Marriage with George Arthur Scutt

no Bridger found by cross-reference, only by Scutt!


  • Birth: Hendon 3a 1434
  • Marriage with George Arthur Scutt: Hendon 3a 1434

up to 2 à 2 generations
Ancestors Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
Harold Stanley Bridger 1900-1977
Louise Phyllis Watson 1900-1976

Relationship Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the family
up to 12 à 2 generations
Descendants  1  2 Descendants treeDescendant tree viewTable descendantsFull displayMenu tools descendants
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