Robert Frederick Ernest Scutt ca 1876-1928


iespējams 52 gadi

Dzimšana ap 1876.gada 12.janvāris • Southampton, Hampshire - St Marks Road
Baptisms datums: 1876.gada 6.septembris • Southampton, Hampshire - Holy Trinity
[marriage event] datums: 1901.gada 7.aprīlis • Southampton, Hampshire
Nāve datums: 1928.gada 29.oktobris • Southampton, Hampshire
Bēres • Hollybrook Cemetery, Shirley, Southampton Unitary Authority

Piezīme(s) R F E S 51yr., lived at The Brewery Bar, Birmingham Street, Southampton. To Alice Mary Scutt (widow) & John Arthur Russell (furniture dealer).

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Dzimšana: Southampton 2c 21 / United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921
  • Baptisms: IGI
  • [marriage event] ar Alice Mary Edwards: Southampton 2c 21
  • Nāve: Southampton 2c 74 / Wills 1928

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     ♦ Charles Scutt 1805-1879
     – Elizabeth Hussey ca 1811-1874
Robert Charles Scutt 1830-1912
Harriett Herrington ca 1833-1908

Brāļi/māsas Radniecības aprēķināšana 👪 [family time line]Brāļa
  1. Amelia Jane ca 1858-ca 1948
  2. Mary Elizabeth ca 1858-1939
  3. Harriett Katherine 1861-ca 1929
  4. Florence Mabel 1864-ca 1895
  5. Mabel Kate Herrington ca 1870-1870
  6. Robert Frederick Ernest ca 1876-1928
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