William Shelter Hull ca 1832-ca 1897

ehkä 65 vuotta vanha

Syntymä noin 1832
Avioliitto sekä Susan Frances Scutt 12. helmikuuta 1854 • Tyneham, Dorset
[witnesses]: Charles Cooper Brett  -  Elizabeth Brett
Kuolema noin marraskuussa 1897 • Dorchester district, Dorset

Lisätietoja [Dorset County Chronicle, Thursday 27 September 1866. ROBERT SCUTT DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given, That all PERSONS having any CLAIMS or DEMANDS against the ESTATE OF ROBERT SCUTT, late of Baltington Farm, in the Parish of Tyncham in the Isle of Purbeck, in the County of Dorset, Yeoman, deceased, are hereby required to send in their particulars of such Claims and Demands to the undersigned WILLIAM SHETLER HULL, of Druce Farm, in the Parish of Piddletown, in the said county of Dorset, Executor of the Will of the said Robert Scutt And all Persons owing any Debts to the said Estate are required forthwith to pay the same to the said WILLIAM SHETLER HULL. Dated this 15th day of Sept., 1866.] [W S H - 65yr.]

Aviopuoliso(t) Susan Frances Scutt

S F S (20) spinster - father:Robert Scutt, farmer. S H (21), bachelor, farmer - father:William Shelter Hull, farmer


  • Syntymä: BMD (Deaths)
  • Avioliitto sekä Susan Frances Scutt: Wareham 5a 471 / Tyneham Parish Registers, Marriages 1840-1921
  • Kuolema: Dorchester 5a 185

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William Shetler Hull 1806-1885
Ann Lovell 1812-1884

Sukulaisuus Sukulaisuuslaskelma 👪 Lyhyin reitti ♆[family time line]

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