Rojstva približno 1811 • Affpuddle, Dorset
[marriage event] z Charles Scutt [on (day month year)] 17. aprila 1830 • Affpuddle, Dorset
[witnesses]: Edward Meager Sarah Hussey
Smrti v julija 1874 • Briantspuddle, Dorset
Pogreb [on (day month year)] 9. julija 1874 • Briantspuddle, Dorset

Zapiski E S 67yr.

[marriage with] Charles Scutt

Banns 1829 Mar 21. C S batchelor of Martinstown & E H spinster of Affpuddle. Consent of parents.


  • Rojstva: Census 1851 Dorset
  • [marriage event] z Charles Scutt: Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849
  • Pogreb: Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

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