Sarah Vye 1681-ca 1712

може би 31 години

Раждане през 1681 • Dorset
[marriage event] с Robert Scutt около 1700 • Tolpuddle, Dorset
Смърт около 1712 • Affpuddle, Dorset

Бележки National Archives - Robert Scutt & his wife Elizabeth. v. John Hardy & his wife Jane, Elizth Seare, Edward Lawrence.: Copyhold tenement situate within and parcel of the manor of Affpuddle (Dorset) called "Roberts." Customs of manor, &c., &c. [The names of Eleanor Scutt (daughter of plaintiff Robert by a former wife (Vye), and late sister of defendant Jane), Saml Seare, late of Affpuddle, miller, and Thos. E 134/5Geo1/Mich37 (1714).


  • Раждане: IGI
  • [marriage event] с Robert Scutt: IGI

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Andrew Vye
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