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Edward Scutt ca 1814-ca 1900

kanske 86 år
Annummer 4 till Maud Ellen Scutt
  • Född omkring 1814 - Bere Regis, Dorset
  • Döpt den 27 mars 1814 - Bere Regis, Dorset
  • Död omkring februari 1900 - Poole, Dorset

Äktenskap och barntree desc. tree desc. tree desc.

  • Gift omkring februari 1847, Poole district, Dorset, med Mary Ann Martin ca 1816-1895 (kanske 79 år)1
    barn [n (number)] barn:
    Frederick Martin
    ca 1849-1913
     kanske 63 år
    1851-ca 1907
     kanske 56 år
    ca 1852-ca 1938
     kanske 85 år
    ca 1854-1921
     kanske 67 år

Anteckningar om personen

[North Devon Journal Thu 09 Feb 1865. Trespassing in Pursuit of Game. Walter Madge of Stowford, Langtree, was charged, on the information of Mr. Scutt, gamekeeper to the Hon. Mark Rolle, with trespassing on a certain close of land, on the 25th ult., with certain dogs and a gun, in search of game. Mr. L. Beucraft appeared on behalf of defendant. John Bawden, gamekeeper to Mr. Stevens, stated that on the 25th January, he saw defendant enter a field called Stafford Moor, in the occupation of Mr. John Madge (defendant's brother.) He had two dogs and a gun; his dogs coursed a hare. He saw defendaut tracing in the snow, carrying the gun (pointed) in his hand. He spoke to defendant and said, "Now I've got you, old fellow." Defendant said, "I'm not tracing a hare, I'm tracing a fox. What shall I give you to say nothing about it." Cross-examined by Mr Bencraft: The gun was first in two parts, and I saw him put the barrel aud stock together. Mr Bencraft made an able defence, in which he contended there was no proof that defendant was in search of game, and supposing there was such proof, there was no evidence to show that the game was reserved. If it was reserved, there must be a proof of that fact, by producing the document by which it was reserved. If there was no such proof, the game belonged to the defendant, who had a right to it. He (Mr Bencraft) then called Mr John Madge, who said he occupied Stafford Moor and rented under Mr Rolle. On the 25th defendant (who resided with him) went over the land to kill a rabbit at witness's request. He had occupied the farm for 21 years next Lady-day, and had killed the rabbits without denial. He imported the rabbits from Braunton; had no lease, but was a tenant-at-will under Mr Rolle. The Bench, after a lengthened hearing, considered the case not proved, and therefore dismissed the charge.] [E S - 86yr.]

Anteckningar om vigseln

^ Vigslar Mary Ann Martin:
E S - gamekeeper


  • Födelse: Census 1851 Warwickshire-61 Devon-81-91 Dorset.
  • Dop: Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02791-5.
  • Äktenskap: Poole 8 129 / Wills 1895.
  • Död: Poole 5a 210.

ca 1754-1838

| 1781 |   


ca 1781-1868
   Agnes Charlotte

