George Howard Homer Scutt ca 1898-1924

kannski 25 ára

Fæðing um mai 1898 • Williton, Somerset
Látin(n)   15 febrúar 1924 • Folkstone, Kent

Athugasemdum [AIR POCKETS AND EDDIES. The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954) Wednesday 11 June 1924 p10 Article. An inquest was held at Hawking Aerodome, near Folkestone, on the body of Flight Lieutenant George Howard Homer Scutt. M.C. 25th Sauadron, R A F who was killed in an aeroplane accident. Flying-Officer C. E. Maitland said "that three machines were flying in formation. At about 1,500ft the witness gave the order to dive to 500ft. When he got to 400ft down he noticed that Flight Lieutenant Scutt's machine was very nearly behind him. The high wing bent up and the machine nosed down to the ground. The witness was of opinion that Flight-Lieutenant Scutt got out of formation, and by the fact of his being immediately behind the witness he came into disturbed and eddying air caused by his (the witness's) machine." He was certain his machine did not touch the other. Medical evidence was that death was due to fracture of the skull, and the jury returned a verdict of 'Death from misadventure.'] [G H H S - 25yr., lived in Hawkinge, Folkstone, Kent. To George Decimus Homer Scutt (brewer).]


  • Fæðing: Williton 5c 263
  • Látin(n): Elham 2a 1759 / The West Australian [1924 Jun 11] / Wills 1924

upp að 46 à 20 kynslóðir
Forfeður      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] forfeðurLöng skýrslaDánaraldur[surnames branch]Menu [tools] forfeður
     ♦ John Thomas Homer Scutt 1828-1886
     ◊ Louisa Adelaide Fry ca 1833-1913
George Decimus Homer Scutt ca 1870-ca 1956
Emma Howard Tripp †1943

Systkyni Reikna tengsl 👪 Stysta leið ♆[family time line]Föður(móður)systur og föður(móður)bræðurBræðra og systrabörn
  1. George Howard Homer ca 1898-1924
  2. Rodney Owen Homer ca 1905-1989
  3. Gwineth Emmaline Homer 1910-
  4. Desmond Barlow Homer 1913-1916