Descendants of Emma Howard Tripp

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up to the 12th generation

 0─┬ Emma Howard Tripp †1943 &ca 1897 George Decimus Homer Scutt ca 1870-ca 1956
   ├─1━━ George Howard Homer Scutt ca 1898-1924
   ├─2━━ Rodney Owen Homer Scutt ca 1905-1989
   ├─3─┬ Gwineth Emmaline Homer Scutt 1910- &1937 William Noel Whiteside
   │   └─1━━ William H. Whiteside ca 1946
   └─4━━ Desmond Barlow Homer Scutt 1913-1916

Total: 5 descendants (8 individuals with spouses)