Robert Scutt ca 1793-1866

possiblament 72 ans

Naissença circa decembre de 1793 • Affpuddle, Dorset
Baptisme lo 5 de genièr de 1794 • Affpuddle, Dorset
[marriage event] amb Elizabeth Pearce lo 19 de genièr de 1819 • Wareham, Dorset
Decès lo 24 d'abril de 1866 • Tyneham, Dorset - Baltington Farm
Sepultura lo 30 d'abril de 1866

Nòtas [Census 1841-51-61 Dorset.] [R S - 72yr.] [Robert Scutt died 24 April 1866. 18 May (1866). The Will of Robert Scutt late of Baltington Farm in the Parish of Tyneham in the Isle of Purbeck in the County of Dorset, Yeoman deceased who died 24 April 1866 at Baltington Farm aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of William Shitler Hull of Druce farm in the Parish of Piddletown in the County aforesaid Yeoman the sole Executor.] [Dorset County Chronicle, Thursday 27 September 1866. ROBERT SCUTT Deceased. Notice is hereby given, That all PERSONS having any Claims or Demands against the ESTATE of ROBERT SCUTT, late of Baltington Farm, in the Parish of Tyncham in the Isle of Purbeck, in the County of Dorset, Yeoman, deceased, are hereby required to send in their particulars of such Claims and Demands to the undersigned WILLIAM SHETLER HULL, of Druce Farm, in the Parish of Piddletown, in the said county of Dorset, Executor of the Will of the said Robert Scutt And all Persons owing any Debts to the said Estate are required forthwith to pay the same to the said WILLIAM SHETLER HULL. Dated this 15th day of Sept., 1866.]

Maridatge amb Elizabeth Pearce

both of St.Martin's.


  • Naissença: Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812
  • Baptisme: Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812
  • [marriage event] amb Elizabeth Pearce: Wareham Marriages 1792-1841
  • Decès: Wareham 5a 213 / Will

entrò 36 à 17 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 Arbre d’ascendéncia[horizontal tree]Taula ascendentsAfichatge longAtge al decèsBrancas patronimicasMenu aisinas ascendents
     ♦ Robert Scutt 1704-ca 1784
     ◊ Mary Ester ca 1714-1796
Edward Scutt ca 1754-1838
Anne Pearce 1760-

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 Camin mai cort ♆[family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. Richard ca 1781-1868
  2. William ca 1783-ca 1867
  3. Mary 1785-
  4. Sarah 1788-1868
  5. John ca 1789-1849
  6. Ann ca 1791-1861
  7. Robert ca 1793-1866
  8. Elizabeth 1796-1858
  9. Thomas 1798-ca 1865
  10. Edward 1800-1859
entrò 27 à 3 generacions
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