John Scutt ca 1534-ca 1583

John (jnr.)
possiblament 49 ans

Naissença circa 1534 • Devon?
[marriage event] amb Elizabeth ------ circa 1560 • Devon?
Decès circa 1583 • Sidmouth, Devon

Nòtas [Father: John Scutt] [Glebe. File: Assignment of lease - ref.1855 A/PB 3 - date:1580. Jn Scutt, Sidmouth, yeoman.] [1583 Scutt, John junior, Sidmouth, Devon 23 Rowe.]


  • Naissença: IGI (Children)
  • [marriage event] amb Elizabeth ------: IGI (Children)
  • Decès: Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1558-1583 (A-Z)

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John Scutt
------ ------

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